Lin 認為 含有錯誤訊息
引用自 Lin 查核回應
Japanese airport authorities arranged evacuation buses for all stranded passengers, regardless of nationality. Japanese authorities rejected a request by the Chinese consulate to send their own buses.
If Japan allows private vehicles to enter the airport on Sept. 5, the airport would be very chaotic and no one would be about to get out. It would affect the evacuation work. That’s why Japan had forbidden vehicles to enter, all people in the airport had to take airport buses or turbo ship to leave the airport and go to Rinku or Osaka harbor.



TAIWAN: What Really Happened During the Kansai Airport Evacuation? - The News Lens International Edition

By Oiwan Lam Taiwanese diplomat Su Chii-cherng (蘇啟誠) died by suicide on Sept. 14, 2018, while stationed in Osaka, Japan. According to NHK (Japan's national broadcasting station), the 61-year-old dip


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