vanillam 認為 含有錯誤訊息
引用自 vanillam 查核回應
Note to readers, added May 27, 2021:
While LifeSiteNews has only reported what Montagnier has said, other scientists have strongly rejected, his thesis that vaccines are causing dangerous variants.

Former Pfizer vice president Dr. Michael Yeadon has said, “There is no evidence at all that vaccination is leading or will lead to ‘dangerous variants,’” and that the notion of such deadly variants is “absurdly impossible … not [even] like an opinion difference,” but “just a lie” in order to justify unnecessary “top-up” (booster) vaccines.

Others have also highlighted there is “no proof” for these theories, referring to them as “nonsense,” while likewise vehemently opposing the general distribution of these experimental gene-therapy COVID-19 vaccines and warning of serious damaging consequences. Such warnings remain credible due to the trend of spikes in deaths which may be due to a number of factors including antibody dependent enhancement, vaccine-associated illnesses, or other conditions.

Secondly, Montagnier did not say that everyone who received experimental COVID-19 vaccines would “all die” within two years. This quote was falsely attributed to him in a fake news meme that has been widely distributed.



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