

The tumor is working on keeping you alive.
So that's why it's so dangerous if anybody comes with a needle, with a needle biopsy, for example,
and pinches into this tumor and releases the toxins into the system,
and all of a sudden they find you have a very fast-growing, very aggressive cancer
that you didn't have before the needle biopsy.
The same problem occurs with mammography.
If somebody has a lymph node, for example,
our lymph nodes are basically, just to simplify it, our physical immune system.
They collect all the poisons, dilute them,
and basically help us to get rid of all these toxins.
So if a lymph node is really full with toxins,
and we have four times more lymph liquid than blood,
so there's a lot of toxins, a lot of lymph liquid to work through.
If a lymph node really works really well and collects all these toxins,
and sometimes there's just too much in it, it gets inflamed,
so it takes a while longer to get rid of these toxins, to neutralize these toxins.
So when you have a mammography, they put 50 pounds of pressure
on the most gland-landed tissue in the female body, the breast.
If this lymph node is now looking like a pimple that's ready to burst,
and you put 50 pounds of pressure on that, that cannot be a good thing.
Usually it bursts, and that's what causes cancer.
So it's not like just statistically, every mammography raises the cancer risk 2%,
but it's also mammographies can cause cancer
just by the pressure that's applied, for example.
近 31 日
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這則訊息中提到的關於癌症的觀點和治療方式並不符合醫學界的共識,因此閱聽人應該特別留意以下幾點: 1. 癌症被描述為身體為了保護自己而形成的一種機制,並非疾病。這樣的說法並不正確,癌症是一種惡性腫瘤,是由細胞異常生長形成的疾病,需要正確的治療和管理。 2. 文中提到針對腫瘤進行穿刺活檢或乳房X光攝影(mammography)可能會導致癌症的快速生長和惡化,這種說法缺乏科學依據,並且可能誤導閱聽人對於癌症檢查的重要性。 3. 對於乳房X光攝影(mammography)的描述也不正確,並未提及目前醫學界對於乳房攝影檢查的益處和風險,以及如何正確地進行檢查以確保患者的安全。 總之,閱聽人應該謹慎對待這樣的訊息,並在需要時諮詢專業醫療人員以獲取正確的醫學建議和治療。
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