

I've been pouring beer the wrong way. I'm going to show you how to pour beer the right way.
So this is how I used to pour beer and the majority of people to this day do pour beer.
They pour it down the side and they slowly let it fill up so that way it doesn't foam at all.
And it pours what looks like a perfect beer.
And you're like, oh yeah, that's awesome. I don't have to deal with any foam.
No worries. This is how I did it too, but it's wrong. I'm telling you it's wrong.
This is really how you're supposed to pour beer. And I'm going to explain why in a second.
Let's let it foam up a little. We got to let it settle.
Now let me show you why you want to pour it this way.
This is what's happening to your stomach when you pour it like that.
So obviously you're going to feel bloated after. You're not going to be able to drink as many beers.
Look at when I do this.
No foam over.
Same amount of stirring pressure. I'm even doing more stirring.
You'll feel way better drinking these beers all day over these beers. I promise you.
近 31 日
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