
As we finished, a young waitress with tangled, dirty-blond hair and a beaded headband began clearing our table. She stopped to listen to the conversation and finally sat down, abandoning her work. After a while, when there was a pause, she spoke to the Dalai Lama. “You didn’t like your cookie?”


“Not hungry, thank you.”


“Can I, um, ask a question?”



"生命的意義到底是什麼?" 她帶著完全嚴肅的表情說。

She spoke with complete seriousness. “What is the meaning of life?”


In my entire week with the Dalai Lama, every conceivable question had been asked—except this one. People had been afraid to ask the one—the really big—question. There was a brief, stunned silence at the table.

達賴喇嘛立刻回答了她。"生命的意義就是快樂。" 尊者抬起了手指,身子向前傾,專注地回答她的問題,彷彿全世界就只剩她一人。"這不是一個困難的問題。"生命的意義到底是什麼?"這是一個很容易回答的問題","但是,什麼是"快樂",那才是一個困難的問題","金錢? 豪宅? 事業成就? 朋友? 還是..."尊者暫停了一會兒,"慈悲與善良? 這是每個人都應該試著去回答自己的一個問題 : 真正能讓你快樂的是什麼?" 尊者用他特有的強調語氣反問之後,停了下來,面帶笑容地望著她。

The Dalai Lama answered immediately. “The meaning of life is happiness.” He raised his finger, leaning forward, focusing on her as if she were the only person in the world. “Hard question is not, ‘What is meaning of life?’ That is easy question to answer! No, hard question is what make happiness. Money? Big house? Accomplishment? Friends? Or …” He paused. “Compassion and good heart? This is question all human beings must try to answer: What make true happiness?” He gave this last question a peculiar emphasis and then fell silent, gazing at her with a smile.

"謝謝,"女侍說,"謝謝。" 她站了起來,把桌上剩下的杯盤清理了之後,轉身離開

“Thank you,” she said, “thank you.” She got up and finished stacking the dirty dishes and cups, and took them away.
近 31 日
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... 每日一圖: 圖為俄國批判現實主義畫家瓦西里·伊萬諾維奇·蘇里科夫(1848-1916)的作品《彼得堡的夜晚》。一段傳唱至今的歌曲,是否打動了你? 每日一文:(精選語錄15句) 1、一生至少該有一次,為了某個人而忘了自己,不求有結果,不求同行,不求曾經擁有,甚至不求你愛我,只求在我最美的年華里,遇到你。 2、許多往事在眼前一幕一幕,變的那麽模糊,曾經那麽堅信的,那麽執著的,一直相信著的,其實


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