

I think we may be able to implant a Neuralink in less than a year in a person, I think.
Is there a potential for rejection?
It's a very low potential for rejection.
What happens if someone ultimately does get a Neuralink installed, what will take place?
Take out a chunk of skull, put the Neuralink device in there, you insert the electrode threads very carefully into the brain.
It can interface basically anywhere in your brain.
So it could be something that helps cure, say, eyesight.
It could return to your eyesight even if you've lost your optic nerve type of thing.
It could, in principle, fix almost anything that is wrong with the brain.
That restores somebody who is a quadriplegic to full functionality.
When you get old, you tend to, if you get Alzheimer's or something like that, then you lose memory and this could help you.
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