

WHO manager
Kamil, your Cherilyn sisters has won the data PK for 5 days 04:43 pm
What are her thoughts now? Can it be provided? 04:44 pm
She thinks the cost of penetrating the bat membrane of the chest wall is too
04:47 pm //
So, what about it 04:49 pm
I just want to know the result, can she provide it 04:50 pm
If not, we will choose another one
04:50 pm
04:52 pm
Okay... I understand, Professor 04:51 pm /
Let me ask her first 04:52 pm
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這則訊息中有幾個地方可能需要特別留意或懷疑: 1. 「WHO manager」:訊息開頭提到的WHO經理,可能需要進一步確認是否真的是世界衛生組織(World Health Organization)的經理,以免誤解。 2. 「Kamil, your Cherilyn sisters has won the data PK for 5 days 04:43 pm」:這句話的意思不太清楚,需要進一步了解「data PK」是指什麼,以及「Cherilyn sisters」是誰。 3. 「She thinks the cost of penetrating the bat membrane of the chest wall is too high」:這句話提到了關於穿透蝙蝠胸壁膜的成本,這樣的言論可能需要進一步確認背景或真實性。 4. 「If not, we will choose another one」:這句話暗示了可能有其他選擇,需要進一步了解背後的情況。 總之,這則訊息中有一些地方可能含糊不清或需要進一步確認,閱聽人需要保持懷疑的態度,以確保理解正確的訊息。
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