

Oh, that's perfect. Yes. Yes. How long can you hold that? I don't know. Okay. All right. We're going to make it even better. You ready for this? You're going to take the card away. Okay. We're going to count to three. We're going to try something. Just on the count of three. Just try to lift your legs up. You got it. You got it. Here we go. Ready? One. Oh my goodness. Two. Take that back card away. Three. Go.
Oh, try and kick your feet. Kick your feet. See what happens. Oh my goodness. You're moving. Oh my goodness. Whoa. Kick faster. Move faster. That's amazing. How are you doing this? Let's go in the store. Turn it. Come in this.
Oh my goodness. Oh, here it comes. That is incredible. You know how he's doing that? Have you seen that? Oh my goodness. That is incredible. Are you seeing that? Okay. Do you know how he did that?
Oh my God. Oh my God. No, no, no. Wait. Wait.
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