晚安:不可思議的事情發生在泰國,落雨? 落魚? It rained fish in Thailand today according to BBC news, Wonders of God! How will science and evolutionists explain this? A mystery, a phenomenon that only God understands. Instead of rain falling, fish fell.

今天在泰国下鱼(雨)了,根据BBC新闻报导。这是上帝的奇迹! 科学和进化论将如何解释呢?这是个谜,一个怪现象,只有上帝知道。雨落,鱼落,是下鱼了。
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Fish rain down on Sri Lanka village

Media playback is unsupported on your device Media captionMany of the fish that rained down were still alive when villagers collected them Villagers in west Sri Lanka ha


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