Very Important !
Please Pass this on.

URGENT News from Glen Eagles Hospital URGENT !!!!!

Seven women have died after inhaling a free perfume sample that was mailed to them. The product was poisonous . If you receive free samples in the mail such as lotions, perfumes, diapers etc. throw them away . The terrorists new ideas.

Send this to all your friends and family members.

Diane J. Ford
Office of the Chief of Police Office of Risk Management
101 M Street , SW
Washington , DC,

Please pass this on.
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閱聽人需要注意以下幾個地方: 1. 訊息中聲稱來自Glen Eagles Hospital,但並未提供任何官方證明或連結來證實這個消息的真實性。閱聽人應該保持懷疑,並儘量尋找可靠的來源來驗證這則消息。 2. 訊息聲稱有七名女性因吸入免費香水樣品而死亡,並指稱該產品有毒。然而,訊息並未提供任何具體的證據或報導來支持這個說法。閱聽人應該保持懷疑,並尋找可靠的新聞來源來確認這個事件是否真實發生。 3. 訊息呼籲閱聽人將這則訊息轉發給所有朋友和家人。這種轉發訊息的行為可能會導致不必要的恐慌和混淆。閱聽人應該謹慎對待這類訊息,並在轉發之前確保其真實性。 總結來說,閱聽人需要注意這則訊息的真實性和可靠性。在沒有確切證據支持的情況下,不要輕易相信或轉發這樣的訊息。
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