Sophia Chen 認為 含有錯誤訊息
引用自 Sophia Chen 查核回應
According to the most recently published Cochrane review on vitamin C and the common cold, one gram per day or more of vitamin C does not influence common cold incidence in the general community, i.e., it does not prevent colds.[2] However, in five randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trials with participants who were under heavy short-term physical stress—specifically marathon runners, skiers, and soldiers in subarctic conditions, vitamin C halved the incidence of colds.[2] The same review reported that for people who took vitamin C on a regular basis, the vitamin shortened the duration of colds in adults by 8% and in children by 18%. Severity was also reduced. However, if vitamin C was started only when the first symptoms of a cold were being felt, there were no benefits for duration or severity.[2]



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