新加坡自從9月中,境管半開放以來,每天確診人數已經突破五千人,根據新加坡檢測數據分享,在確診人數中,有98%是毫無癥狀或輕微癥狀者,而在無癥狀確認者當中,大部分的感染者會在一個月內自然痊愈,但在被感染的初期的三星期內,仍然具有強烈的傳染力。 [Sent by – 28 Oct]
Over the last 28 days, of the infected individuals:
- 98.7% have mild/no symptoms
- 0.9% require O2 supplementation
- 0.1% under close monitoring in ICU
- 0.1% critically ill in ICU
- 0.2% died

As of 26 Oct:
- 84% of population completed full regimen/received 2 doses of vaccines
- 85% received at least 1 dose
- 14% received boosters

As of 27 Oct, there are 5,324 new cases. The weekly infection growth rate is 1.15.
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